「品質」を読む Vol.51, No.4, 2021(英訳目次)

Message from Head of Kansal BranchSei WATATAMI3
Invited Article
Human Resource Development ‐ Practice of Education and Training
Centered on Quality
About Special FeatureKenichi NIIKURA10
Data – Driven Economy Kenichi NIIKURA11
Current lssues of Data Trading in Japan,and Data Trading MarketKenichi NIIKURA14
The Model of Data MonetizationKenichi NIIKURA17
Unique Value Proposition Based Delivery ServicesKenichi NIIKURA 20
Report of Special lnterest Group
Activity Report on the JSQC Division of Healthcare Quality and SafetyMasahiko MUNECHIKA22
Research Topics
What is Service Engineering?:a View that Emerges through Accumulation of Diverse lndividual ResearchTatsunori HARA26
Overview of the Lecture
Quality Assurance in Edo Era as a Summary Report of QC SalonAkira SAITO30
lnternal Development Program for Digital Human ResourcesNaotake SHIMOZU34
Report of the 2nd Special Symposium “ Vital Point in TQM Promotion ”Takafumi TOBA38
The 173th SymposiumHiroshi SHIMIZU42
The 126th Technical ConferenceTakashi YOKOI46
Technical Research Paper
Contribution Ratio of Reduced Contingency Table after ClusteringMasami MIYAKAWA55

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