■Vol.10(2024)No.2 クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます
tqs.10.33 | Robust Parameter Design Method for Multilevel Control Factors with Continuous Noise Factors | |
Yukiya Tomizawa, Hiroki Iwamoto, Yasushi Nagata | ||
tqs.10.44 | A new method to deal with missing data using Taguchi’s T-method | |
Riku Fujii, Hiroki Iwamoto, Yasushi Nagata | ||
tqs.10.54 | A Minimum Distance Estimation for the Stable Distribution via the Empirical Characteristic Function | |
Takuya Matsumoto, Hideki Nagatsuka |
■Vol.10(2024)No.1 クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます
tqs.10.1 | Taguchi’s RT method with sparse principal component analysis | |
Riku Ohta, Masato Ohkubo, Hiroki Iwamoto, Yasushi Nagata | ||
tqs.10.8 | Verifying the Effect of Initial Sample Size in Bayesian Optimization | |
Shunya Furuuchi, Shu Yamada | ||
tqs.10.20 | Development of a Method for Reducing Design Time by Reusing Empirical Knowledge: Identification of Bottleneck Processes Through Interviews with Design Engineers | |
Keita Kurihara, Satoru Kumagai, Kazutoyo Moriguchi, Shogo Kato |
■Vol.9(2023)No.2 クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます
tqs.9.62 | A Method to Improve Serendipity of Recommendation Lists Based on Collaborative Metric Learning | |
Akiko Yoneda, Ryota Matsunae, Haruka Yamashita, Masayuki Goto | ||
tqs.9.74 | Using Image data for Machine Learning-Based Defect Detection | |
Kanki Fujita, Shizu Itaka, Tomomichi Suzuki | ||
tqs.9.83 | Optimal Maintenance Policy for Deteriorating Systems Subject to External Shock Damage Under a Semi-Markov Decision Process | |
Zirui Wang, Lu Jin, Watalu Yamamoto | ||
tqs.9.98 | Differences in the Understanding of Enviromentally Conscious Behavior between Companies and Consumers | |
Chisato Kajihara, Yuri Harasaki, Masakuni Tsunezawa, Kohei Sugiyama, Kazuyuki Tasaka, Ayako Noguchi, Takeshi Fukushima | ||
tqs.9.109 | A Semi-Supervised Learning model for Predicting User Attributes Based on Ladder Network | |
Mizuki TAKEUCHI, Taichi IMAFUKU, Yuta SAKAI, Masayuki GOTO |
■Vol.9(2023)No.1 クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます
tqs.9.1 | The T-method with the application of sparse modeling | |
Ryo Asano, Masato Ohkubo, Shinto Eguchi, Yasushi Nagata | ||
tqs.9.8 | Ensemble Pruning of MT Method | |
Katsuhiko Tateishi, Hiroki Iwamoto, Yasushi Nagata | ||
tqs.9.18 | Deep Anomaly Detection for Automotive Components by Oversampling | |
Chika Yokocho, Hironobu Kawamura, Kozaburo Nirasawa | ||
tqs.9.29 | Condition-based Maintenance for a Wiener Deterioration Process under Consideration of Heterogeneity in Spare Unit Population | |
Mizuki Kasuya, Jin Lu | ||
tqs.9.42 | Multivariate Hierarchical Bayesian Control Charts for High-mix Low-Volume Production | |
Mizuki Takada, Kota Goto, Hironobu Kawamura | ||
tqs.9.53 | Analysis of the Relationship among Recruitment Evaluations and Personality Impressions using Video Interviews | |
Mika Inadomi, Akira Kuzuhara, Shizu Itaka, Aya Ishigaki, Taku Harada, Tomomichi Suzuki |
■Vol.8(2022)No.2 クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます
tqs.8.61 | Box–Meyer method with Less Computational Complexity for 2-level Supersaturated Designs | |
Kyosuke Kitagawa, Dongyuan Liu, Hironobu Kawamura | ||
tqs.8.70 | A Consideration of the Recognition Taguchi Method Using High-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis | |
Ryo Asano, Masato Ohkubo, Yasushi Nagata | ||
tqs.8.77 | Evaluation of the Recommendation Effect of Individual Interventions in a Recommender System | |
Taichi IMAFUKU, Tatsuya KAWAKAMI, Tianxiang YANG, Masayuki GOTO | ||
tqs.8.89 | New Anomaly Detection Method based on the Multivariate Generalized Pareto Distributions | |
Ryo Nezaki, Hideki Nagatsuka | ||
tqs.8.100 | A Study on Out-of-Distribution Detection based on Generative Models Trained for Each Discriminant Class | |
Ryota MATSUNAE, Fuyu SAITO, Haruka YAMASHITA, Masayuki GOTO | ||
tqs.8.113 | Store Analysis Using Latent Representation of Robust Variational Autoencoder Based on Sales History Data | |
Ryogo OKUBO, Ryosuke UEHARA, Gendo KUMOI, Masayuki GOTO, Tomohiro YOSHIKAI |
■Vol.8(2022)No.1 クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます
tqs.8.1 | Mahalanobis-Taguchi Method for Anomaly Detection and Classification | |
Kentaro Honma, Masato Ohkubo, Shinto Eguchi, Yasushi Nagata | ||
tqs.8.14 | Adaptation of the Mahalanobis–Taguchi Method to Ordinal Scale | |
Hiroki IWAMOTO, Yasushi NAGATA | ||
tqs.8.23 | Evaluation of Crisis Awareness and Behavioral Changes of Medical Staff against Disasters | |
Chisato KAJIHARA, Sango MAKIMURA, Takayuki MASUI, Takahiro ATSUMI, Katsuya ONOKI | ||
tqs.8.32 | A comparative survey on the certification effect of Occupational Health and Safety Management System | |
Naoki Kono, Masaaki Kaneko, Shingo Saito, Chikako Makino, Shu Yamada | ||
tqs.8.40 | Joint maintenance and load-sharing optimization for two-unit systems with workload-dependent deterioration | |
Ryoya Ashizawa, Lu Jin | ||
tqs.8.51 | Optimal Age-replacement Policy for Series Systems Considering Maintenance Time | |
Kentaro Fujioka, Lu Jin |
■Vol.7(2021)No.3 クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます
tqs.7.102 | New Stochastic Degradation Models Based on the Family of Powered Inverse Gaussian Distributions | |
Takuya Fushihara, Hideki Nagatsuka | ||
tqs.7.113 | Optimal Replacement Policy for a Deteriorating System Subjected to a Geometric Brownian Motion | |
Ryohei Yoshida, Lu Jin | ||
tqs.7.125 | Analytical Model of Customer Purchasing Behavior Considering Event Characteristics on Flower Delivery Business | |
Aya Kitasato, Kenya Nonaka, Haruka Yamashita, Masayuki Goto | ||
tqs.7.137 | A Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the COM-Poisson Distribution and its Uniqueness and Existence | |
Youhei Tomio, Hideki Nagatsuka | ||
tqs.7.149 | An Analytical Model of Response Interval Between Employees on Business Chat Systems Based on Latent Class Model | |
Fuyu Saito, Ayako Yamagiwa, Tianxiang Yang, Masayuki Goto | ||
tqs.7.161 | Process Adjustment and Monitoring in the Gear Grinding Process | |
Kota Goto, Fumiko Ogawa, Hironobu Kawamura | ||
tqs.7.173 | A Method for Software Test DesignConsidering Weakness and Adverse Condition | |
Koichi Tanizaki, Yasuaki Hiruta, Takeshi Soma, Naohiro Yamao, Shogo Kato, Yoshinori Iizuka | ||
tqs.7.190 | Hierarchical Bayesian Control Charts Based on the Spatial Autoregressive Model | |
Seiya Kadoishi, Hironobu Kawamura |
■Vol.7(2021)No.2 クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます
tqs.7.51 | Statistical analysis and prediction in American football | |
Yu Takezaki, Yasushi Nagata | ||
tqs.7.60 | Discussion on supersaturated design and its data analysis method in computer experiments | |
Arata Ueda, Shu Yamada | ||
tqs.7.69 | A Prediction Model of Runs Allowed Based on Latent-Class Markov Chain for Starters of Professional Baseball Pitchers | |
Ryosuke UEHARA, Takuma MATSUMOTO, Kenta MIKAWA, Masayuki GOTO | ||
tqs.7.82 | Verification of an Individual Training System in Blood Collection through Data Acquisition and Analysis | |
Ryoko Shimono, Rie Akinaga | ||
tqs.7.89 | Threshold policy of condition-based maintenance for amulti-state system and deteriorating sensor | |
Genda Satoshi, Jin Lu |
■Vol.7(2021)No.1 クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます
tqs.7.1 | Imputation Method for Missing Values Considering Temperature Fluctuations with High Locality | |
Keitoku Yoshino, Shizu Itaka, Tomomichi Suzuki | ||
tqs.7.10 | A study of MT systems applied to multivariate regression | |
Shota Nakayama, Suguru Sekine, Yasushi Nagata | ||
tqs.7.23 | A Study on Planning and Evaluation of Disaster Exercise Based on Disaster Records | |
Chisato KAJIHARA, Takayuki MASUI, Takahiro ATSUMI, Katsuya ONOKI, Masahiko MUNECHIKA | ||
tqs.7.31 | Measurement Precision with Ordinal Categorical Data considering Dose-response Relationships | |
Shunsuke Tanigaki, Jun-ichi Takeshita, Shizu Itaka, Tomomichi Suzuki | ||
tqs.7.42 | A comparison of MT and RT methods for missing data analysis methods | |
Kakeru Nishizawa, Masahiro Maeda, Yasushi Nagata |
■Vol.6(2020)No.3 クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます
tqs.6.70 | A study on promotion method of effective initiatives for establishment of the Integrated Community Care System | |
Shinki FURUKAWA, Chisato KAJIHARA, Akira SHINDO, Masahiko MUNECHIKA | ||
tqs.6.84 | Setting Control Limits in a Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Likelihood Control Chart | |
Takumi SARUHASHI, Masato OHKUBO, Yuma UENO, Yasushi NAGATA | ||
tqs.6.91 | Optimizing Opportunistic Maintenance by Using a Semi-Markov Decision Process | |
Yu Odajima, Jin Lu |
■Vol.6(2020)No.2 クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます
tqs.6.43 | Comprehensive description of main effects and interactions in Plackett Burman design | |
Yoshiki OISHI, Shu YAMADA | ||
tqs.6.52 | A case study on integration of vehicle defect and recall information analysis | |
Yasuyuki Yamamoto, Shu Yamada | ||
tqs.6.60 | An Extension of Semi-supervised Boosting to Multi-valued Classification Problems | |
Yuta Sakai, Kazuki Yasui, Kenta Mikawa, Masayuki Goto |
■Vol.6(2020)No.1 クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます
tqs.6.1 | A Stochastic Degradation Model Based on the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution | |
Kenji Fujita, Hideki Nagatsuka | ||
tqs.6.11 | Construction of Fractional Factorial Design Considering Accuracy and Robustness in the Estimation of Main Effects | |
Yumiko Taguchi, Shu Yamada | ||
tqs.6.20 | A Performance Comparison of Combinations of 2-level Supersaturated Designs and Analysis Methods | |
Dongyuan Liu, Kyohei Funahashi, Hironobu Kawamura | ||
tqs.6.34 | A research on application of inverse estimation by Gaussian process regression to computer experiments | |
Mio Nagashima, Shu Yamada |
■ Vol.5(2019)No.3(クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます)
tqs.5.92 | A study on design method of questionnaire survey in Integrated Community Care System | |
Shinki FURUKAWA, Masahiko MUNECHIKA, Chisato KAJIHARA | ||
tqs.5.102 | Proposal for a new single imputation method using Taguchi’s T-method | |
Yuto Nakao, Yasushi Nagata | ||
tqs.5.111 | Prediction of Influenza Outbreaks Using Pharmacy Sales Data | |
Dongyuan Liu, Kyohei Funahashi, Hironobu Kawamura | ||
tqs.6.34 | A research on application of inverse estimation by Gaussian process regression to computer experiments | |
Yoshikazu Sunamura, Xiao-Nan Lu, Yuzuru Hayashi, Mitsuo Saito, Tomomichi Suzuki |
■ Vol.5(2019)No.2(クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます)
tqs.5.53 | A study on the psychological change of consumer based on AIDAS model | |
Mana Takaya, Haruka Yamashita | ||
tqs.5.64 | Imbalanced data classification procedure based on SMOTE | |
Daiki Gyoten, Masato Ohkubo, Yasushi Nagata | ||
tqs.5.72 | Control Charts Based on Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling | |
Seiya Kadoishi, Hironobu Kawamura | ||
tqs.5.81 | Evaluation on alias relations between main effect and interaction in Plackett Burman design (N=20) and its application to guide assignments | |
Yoshiki OISHI, Shu YAMADA |
■ Vol.5(2019)No.1(クリックするとJ-STAGEの電子ジャーナルが開きます)
tqs.5.1 | Proposal for a univariate time series analysis method based on Taguchi’s T-method | |
Shushiro Matsui, Yasushi Nagata | ||
tqs.5.11 | A Study of Feature Clustering Analysis based on the Hidden Layer Representation of an Autoencoder | |
Shimpei Kanazawa, Yuuki Sugiyama, Tianxiang Yang, Masayuki Goto | ||
tqs.5.23 | Analytical Model of Customer Purchase Behavior Considering Page Transitions on EC Site | |
M Hotoda, H Mizuochi, G Kumoi, M Goto | ||
tqs.5.34 | Quality Control for Private Statistics about the Estimated Scale of the Foodservice Market | |
Yukari Ueki, Tomohiro Nakajima, Hironobu Kawamura | ||
tqs.5.45 | A Study on the Swiss Draw Style Tournament System Reflecting Game Results and Their Content | |
Kazuhiro Umemura, Tomomichi Suzuki, Yasushi Nagata |